but A big spot like cow shit can't be seen?
What's wrong with these people ?
eww, they really have no idea how hypocrate they're.
I wonder what is the invinsible wall made of..
maybe magical one, that is why they can't see their huge spot ,huh ?!
yuckks, they only know how to talk others behind their back, spread tommyrot & spoofery news & provoke people to do the same.
Shame on yourselves, don't just close your eyes & hide your real faces , dear :)
you know what exactly you're doing right now.

But you guys know what ?
Actually these people are soo into jealousy, envious, & hate if somebody happy or better than them, but they just don't want to admit it even to themselves.
They become haters & let jealousy control them if we're happy or better than them.
psychology also proves that these people are actually want to be the best, the cutest, the most gorgeous, the hottest, the most perfect & every "the most" from other people,
but they can't !! so they just want to ruin others' lives, strike them down, & prevent anything good happen to them.
ohh, sweetheart.. how pathetic you are ?
Don't you people realise even I've told this ?
Well, if you cursed me or talked me on my back,
it means you know how bad you're but you just don't want to accept it.
Stop your action now okey? before you gain your worst karma :) :) :)
I am not writting this all for spesific person,
this is for everyone who just hasn't know what kind of person you're turning into.
I've seen, but I don't judge, I just warn you , baby :)
May God Bless & Guide you to the right path :D
Arggh, I really don't have any dress to wear :(
Every tailor in Medan is really busy or having vacation ;(
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