Hello universe !
sorry for not blogging for a while, I'm just busy & when I'm not I'm too tired to blog.
I apologize to those who often check on my blog & hoping for new posts,
I really didn't expect that there're people who interested in my blog, since I realized my blog is so boring & I'm not a fashion blogger eventhough I'm a fashion student,
this is just my personal blog, my personal life. So I'm a lil' bit surprised when some people start to email me about why I'm not posting anything for a while & waiting for my new posts or wants to know more about me personally because of my blog.
wow, I really really did not expect that, cause honestly I don't really care people wanna read mine or not, because I'm blogging not for getting a lot of readers, I'm blogging just for myself. lol
maybe I'm over-reacting now, but I don't care what others say,
I just want to thank all my readers, I appreciate that a lot ;') *hugs through cyber*
uhh, so lame, i don't even know how to talk about it. I never good in words.

So, last week is so busy & I'm just so lazy to talk about it.
just going to share random photos, oh & md is in town again ! =)
Attending Anne Avantie II decades Party & Fashion Show
Fiori Fashion Event
Esmod Fashion Show, I'm a mummy girl yeah! wearing my senior's bustier.
All sew from real bandage, give applause to my senior !
The Designer, my tiny lovely senior, Yelly =)
I was interviewed in Jakarta Fashion Week
still got more events, but I haven't got the photos yet.
Out of writing idea.
chaoo chicks ! xxx
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