Happy Halloween everyone!!

yeahh.. you guys must be so much fun & happy like a monster.
But I'm here is just pathetic cause I'm not celebrating any halloween.*sobs*
We've to cancel our halloween party :(
& there's sad news..
Chai is in dehydration & I'm so worried about her.
Eventhough she wants to keep going to the party but I prefer to cancel all parties than seeing her fainted in the dancefloor, maybe? *anythingispossible*
Well, I don't really want to go to the party that bad.. so..
I guess today is planned for my family day :)
I accompanied mommy to buy some vegetables & It's freaking cold there :x

But the Good thing is I met my daddy today :)
& I'm happy eventhough I just met him less than 30minutes.
He's going back to hometown tomorrow & I'll miss him for sure.. he's my best daddy!
Let me share some things 'bout days before :
Last friday after class I went to have my dinner in mexican restaurant, Amigos.
Forgot to take pics, we took pics of our fake tattoo that drawn with pen.
These are Atha, me & Cilla :

& Atha with her big mexican burger:

& my yesterday's fake drawing tattoo with the theme of Gothic :

Well, let's just skip that.
Yesterday's dresscode for my class is long black tight & here are some of crazy photos :

& another 2 good friends I haven't mention about.
Glory Wilson & Priscilla Yasmin.
They really have an opposite personality..
Glory is so CRAZY while Cilla is really calm,
but they're rocks!!
& under this is Axella Caliza, a girl with a gothic personality th
at loves blood & real good at dance & she's a smart girl.
& I think she's cool!
Oh! & please pardon my heels position here. I know I'm suck.

. See . Speak . Hear .