Things don't always turn well..
sometimes there're things that we can't even understand..
there's up & there's down..
the road won't be smooth all the time.. sometimes it's rocky & winding..
but are we strong enough to get through of all the confusing days & weirdos ?
Lost in the middle of choices is usual, can't even help yourself to think is also normal..
You just can be angry to the world & everything else without any reason & you just wanna scream out loud when you feel so screwed up & so fuc*ed up , rite?
You can be the most fuc*ing annoying person in the entire world in just a snap & you don't even know why what's going on,
when you feel everything is hurting you & you just feel it's soo torturing, rite ?
tell me if I'm wrong.
Things are always changing & maybe you just need time to be capable to adapt to the changes.
Upset & dissapointed are two-common feelings when your surroundings don't really get you well.

Wondering why & how people can treat you like you are really not worth enough to be treaten well even you've given & tried your best doesn't even able to save one of your days. *useless*
don't care too much cause they won't care as much as yours. words are lies. you are hurting yourself, stupid.. but the problem is I care too much to ignore any of them.
don't understand ?
just don't read it :)

anw, next week I got my First Job as a make up artist :p
well, i'm not really good at it, but it's my first job & first trial X)
Jeffry Azwindy will make a photoshoot with Egi & he gave me a Job as the make up artist :)
wish it will turn well , at least.. not bad , okeyy ?
Ps : Thaannkkk Yoouuu, E :)
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