I'm super busy lately, no time to blog, don't even know what to write, & don't even remember that I have a blog.

well, it's been so long since my last post.
plenty to say but just couldn't type 'em here.
so, I'm doing some photoshoots & working on my coat projects.
I really can't wait to get out from my dizzy hectic days.
& I have a job training on march, still confused where should I apply.
I got two options inside this little head, should I apply to a fashion designer or television company for wadrobe ? well, kindda the same.
so many things to do, so little time I have.
I really wanna do a lot of things but I just don't get the chance & time yet.
but I don't really want to think a lot, I just want to do everything that I can do now,
doesn't really matters if it's tiring or fun things.
I'm young, I need experiences, I wanna try everything, I wanna feel carefree, I just wanna dare myself. That's why I shouldn't have complained too much --"
always remind myself, there're uncountable people who will do anything to be in my position.
I have place to stay, I have nice food to eat, I'm capable to do many things, unlike those uncountable people who live in desperation, handicapped & poverty.
Basically people have two sides.
Everything that happens to our lives, whether it's bad or good,
is just the price we gotta pay or is just raindrops to see the rainbow.
whatever you do out there, whatever you are up to, & whatever things happened to you all,
I wish you well & strong =)
note it down, "suffer for you is actually a blessing for others"
always be grateful, strong & stay humble !
cause we won't know what will happen in the next second =)
enough for today, gotta go now !
chaoo chicks!
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