Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hi, now it's July

Hi. yes, hi.
It's been months.
I only blog when I'm bored. Thinking of deleting you, my blog.
since this is my personal blog full of shitty useless talks.
I only update in one social media,
which is Instagram. yes, Instagram only.

well, It's been months, yes, and I've been working like dogs.
I travel while working. quite fun but too tired, like slept at 3am & woke up at 6am.
but I got plenty of free time recently. well.. I know I've been wanting to be a businesswoman.
but I don't think this is the business I want to be in forever. only temporary.

I miss you, fashion industry. really.
but my father raised all their children to be independent.
So I have to work on my own for living and now I'm raising fund for fashion business that I've planned. I know It's not a big plan, at least I know I'm happy to do it.
But at least I'm not like my brother who even paid for his house, living & his study to be a specialist on his own. I don't know if he'll get married on his own too or my father. geez. lucky I'm a girl, so mommy's on my side (sometimes).
So I'm planning to save for new york next year, but I'm not so sure I'm going since I need to work.

I'm not a type of girl who save money to get rich.
or save all my money to buy all the branded stuffs (well, maybe one or two).
I'd better save money and spend it on traveling. I want to travel while I can.
Since I know when I've reached my age to get married and have kids, I have to save money for their future or I will have no time to travel anywhere since I have to take care of my family.
I think It's useless to get rich but you can't enjoy it.
I'd better to live sufficiently but happy than to finally be so rich but regret.

I'll just upload random photos :

For complete days, I'll be on Instagram !
