Friday, October 12, 2012

Insomnia is a bitch

Geez, I really have a massive trouble in sleeping.
I can't sleep every night, even when I'm too tired.
I sleep when it's almost sunrise & it's frustrating,
since I have a permanent panda eyes with extreme dark circle around 'em. f.
That's why it's a disaster for me if I have to wake up early in the morning.
I envy those who can easily fall asleep whenever they want & have a very sweet beauty sleep.
so I don't have pictures to share. lazy & lousy, I mean.

several days ago.
when I said lousy, it really does lousy.
my iPhone's flash is always like this.

Oh I miss this so much.
I swear, it's a foodgasm.

So finally I decided to buy a new pocket camera.
since my old pink lousy camera is really pathetic & I stop using it since two years ago.
 "stop using it" means I really never take any pictures on my holidays.

I got nothing to share. I need a workout, I need to sweat.
have I say I finally found a sport that suits me?
when I said it suits me, it means I've done it more than 5 times.
but I've vacuumed for a year++ due to my final year.
I even bought a boxing gloves for muay-thai in bangkok last month for my comeback. lol
I'm not exaggerated, I don't do sport at all.
last week, boyfriend & friends asked me to bring my running shoes.
For God sake, I seriously don't even have a single sport shoes.
hmm, whatever.

love & kisses,

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